Left, Right & Center: Obama's approval ratings, countering terror, and are the Dems doomed?

If banks aren't lending, what's a citizen to do? Arianna advocates moving money into community banks. Tony says the big banks aren't lending because they're being more cautious and trying to build capital.
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Bad news on the employment front. Can the Obama administration survive the negative numbers on the jobs front and his own job approval ratings?

If banks aren't lending, what's a citizen to do? Arianna advocates moving money into community banks. Tony points out the big banks are not lending because they're being more cautious and trying to build capital - isn't that what was called for?

Terrorism and the US: Should the response be military or better police work? And Dodd and Dorgan won't run again - are the Dems doomed? Or are they balanced out by the number of GOP dropouts? Where are the independents heading? And should Geithner resign?

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